
Showing posts from December, 2017

Thoughts on Bitcoin Investing

Bitcoin is a currency based on blockchain technology. The key words here are “based on.” This is important is because Bitcoin itself can fail (i.e. have its price fall to 0) while blockchain technology can simultaneously thrive. For investors, this is a critical distinction that they need to be mindful of, as that is what fundamentally drives the decision to invest in Bitcoin instead of another type of blockchain tech like Ethereum. I will first explain briefly what Bitcoin is, and the technology that underpins it. Then I will discuss what it means to actually invest in Bitcoin as opposed to other blockchain technologies. Bitcoin explained: A) Blockchain and decentralization Bitcoin was created to be a decentralized currency system that isn’t reliant on banks or institutions to govern its stability. For example, if we transacted money, an institution (ex. Paypal, Chase Bank, etc) would be the arbiter of these transactions. But what if we wanted a system where the very